What are the symptoms of Throat cancer?
What are the symptoms of throat cancer: Many people notice a sore throat. However, sometimes sores that are not actually caused by a strep infection (which can usually be treated with antibiotics) may be signs of cancer If your sore throat lasts for more than seven to 10 days, you should contact your doctor right away. Your doctor may recommend a trip to a clinic to have your throat checked for cancer.
You may have to wait for a couple of days for the soreness to go away before you see your doctor.
People with throat cancer often have a sore throat that feels like they have a bad cold. Cancer in their throats spreads and destroys the glands that produce saliva. This is why you may find yourself waking up and yawning all day long, and may find it difficult to eat.
People with throat cancer also may notice that their voice seems to growl when they talk. This is because cancer spread to the muscles that help make sounds.
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How are throat cancers treated?
Most people can’t have surgery to remove the cancerous tissue because there is a high risk of permanent damage to your voice or swallowing. The treatment depends on the type of cancer. In some cases, a doctor may recommend a watchful waiting period to see if cancer grows.
cause of throat cancer
Generally, the main cause of throat cancer is smoking, alcohol, and tobacco consumption, but nowadays people who come in contact with people who smoke, smoke also make them prone to throat cancer.
Today’s pollution-filled environment is also very responsible for throat cancer. Smoke emanating from vehicles and poisonous gases coming out of factories are rapidly making people a patient with throat cancer.
symptoms of throat cancer
We have a “larynx” in our throat. With the help of this tube, we are also able to speak everything. Excessive consumption of alcohol, chewing tobacco, and smoking have a profound effect on the larynx.
At the beginning of cancer, such symptoms are to be seen in the patient –
Heaviness in voice – You smoke and if your voice has changed for some time then be careful. Unexplained heaviness in voice is a symptom of cancer.
Difficulty in breathing – Throat cancer patient feels very uncomfortable in breathing. If this problem persists then a medical examination is necessary.
Difficulty in swallowing food – The patient also has difficulty in chewing and swallowing food. Sometimes people do not even drink liquids. In such a situation, people reduce their food, which starts having more adverse effects on health. If you have trouble swallowing food or drinking anything, then definitely contact the doctor.
Swelling in the Throat – Swelling in the throat is not normal.
Difficulty in speaking – When there is a problem in the larynx, then the patient starts feeling difficulty in speaking.
Throat cancer accounts for 4.8% of the total cancer cases in India.
When throat cancer is in the final stage, the patient is neither able to eat or drink anything nor is he able to speak properly. The vocal cords of the throat have deteriorated to a great extent. In this case, the doctor inserts a tube in the patient’s throat. With the help of this tube, the patient is fed and fed. And through this tube, the patient is able to breathe.
There are three types of throat cancer – supraglottis, glottis, and subglottis.
Supraglottis cancer is found mostly in our country, throat cancer patients mostly suffer from supraglottis cancer.
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