
real money casino game

Learn how many hands are played on average every hour in different types of online poker, including sit and go, cash game, fast-fold zoom poker, and more.

The enormous number of hands you may play each hour when playing online poker as opposed to live poker is one of its major benefits. You can play many tables, which significantly increases the number of hands per hour in online poker you can play, in addition to the faster tempo of play.


Contingent upon the kind of game you play on the web, how much hands you can play in an hour will be totally different.

Sit and Go’s

Contingent upon the number of players that are at each table (2, 6, or 9) you can hope to play around 50 hands an hour one postponing 9 gave SNGs, going up as high as 100 for heads-up Sit and Go’s. To be sure, Sit and Go’s are one of the least hand-per-hour games as there is a ton of shutting and yet again opening tables and trusting that games will begin.

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You can hope to play around 60 hands an hour while playing 9 gave MTTs and around 80 hands an hour for 6max MTTs.

There is substantially less shutting and once again opening of tables in MTTs contrasted with SNGs, because of the more drawn out construction of competitions, which prompts additional time spent at the tables playing hands. Notwithstanding, most MTTs are 9 given which dials back the speed of play.

Cash Games

The quantity of hands played will change contingent upon the quantity of players at your table however you can hope to play around 75 hands each hour at a 9-max tables, and 90 hands at 6-max tables.

Cash games will quite often play a great deal faster than competitions, and considering that you can find a seat at one money table endlessly, there’s no time squandered shutting tables and tracking down new ones to join.

This is all in light of playing one table. While playing on the web, you can play numerous tables simultaneously! In the event that you in all actuality do play various tables, just duplicate the quantity of tables by the normal hand count of your picked game sort to get your typical hands played each hour.


Fast-Fold Poker hands (such as those on PokerStars Zoom) are played far more quickly than in any other format. This is due to the fact that when you fold, you are immediately transferred to a new table and dealt a fresh hand rather than having to wait for the other players to finish the hand.

This implies that if you sit there repeatedly pressing the fold button, you can play 60 hands in 60 seconds. When compared to the 60 hands you’d get playing 9-max MTTs, this is a significant increase!

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