How to Treat Receding Gums to Prevent Health Damage

by jackreacher101
Gum treatment

Gum disease can be very unpleasant and cause severe pain. It is important to prevent the gingival recession from occurring and to intervene immediately if it does. Rectification is a condition that can be caused by retraction.

When the gums recede they expose portions of the tooth that wouldn’t otherwise be visible. This is not only annoying visually, but it also causes many problems, including dental sensitivity, bleeding, and widespread pain.

The gum recession is a problem that must be addressed. Therefore, you should know all the causes of gum pain.


What is gum recessive?

It is both annoying and easy to spot gum recession. This is a “shortening” or shrinking of the gums in comparison to their normal width. There are many reasons that the gums may experience regression. Also, They can retreat towards the root of the tooth and leave the lower portion of the same unaffected.

Gum recession is often thought to be an aesthetic issue. Also, Tooth disorders can cause withdrawal. This includes increased sensitivity, inflammation, and pyorrhea. You don’t have to wait until you feel something is wrong with your gums.


You can use several symptoms to recognize gum recession.

  • Teeth longer;
  • Wider interdental spaces;
  • Sensitivity to dental pain
  • Redness and bleeding in the gums
  • Widespread pain.

Possible causes of receding gums

If you feel the alarms sounding, make sure to visit your trusted dentist immediately. After the diagnosis has been made, the dentist will investigate the cause.

Poor oral hygiene is often the culprit. If tartar is not removed, it can be a sign that you aren’t taking care of your oral hygiene. Also, This includes choosing the right products ( toothbrush and toothpaste) and properly using them. Too vigorous brushing can cause gum damage.

Gum recess can also be caused by smoking, bruxism,  and other eating disorders. Pay attention to any lip or tongue piercings.

Finally, withdrawal can be caused by certain conditions

  • Gingivitis;
  • Periodontitis;
  • Scurvy.

How to treat or avoid gum retraction

It is important to understand the root cause of gingival recession to plan the best response. There are many ways to treat this disorder.


It is best to talk about prevention before we get into the topic of treating receding gums. Also, An old proverb that has been repeated many times is: It’s better to be safe than sorry.

How can gum recession be prevented? According to cosmetic dentist London Ontario specialists, Correct oral hygiene, and regular professional dentistry are the only way to prevent gum recession.

Here are some precautions to take:

  • Use soft bristles on your toothbrushes
  • Use toothpaste with fluoride, but not too much to avoid fluorosis
  • Avoid toothpaste and other products that have whitening properties.

The remedies

If the gums are still receding and prevention fails, then the severity of the problem will determine the best treatment.

A conservative response is possible when the recession is just starting and not yet very severe. Also, This is aimed at preventing the situation from degenerating. This is where oral hygiene, which must be improved, comes back into play.

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