How Do I Convert Maildir to Outlook?

by lawrwtwinkle111

Are you fed up searching about how do i convert Maildir to Outlook but could not get an appropriate way then here in this blog I will resolve the query in the best possible way.

I am here going to introduce a professional way of converting Maildir files into PST that will surely help you in a great way as the software is sufficient to tackle all those problem that users may face while conversion procedure.

Let’s take a brief idea about the Maildir files and PST files and why the users want their Maildir files in PST format.

Maildir file format exclusively used for storing messages. It maintains the mailboxes in a proper way. In the beginning only the Qmail use this file format but now many more email client use this. For every incoming message it creates separate file with a unique identity. While PST is a file format of Outlook that contains messages, events, calendar items etc. It consists entire Outlook folder such as Inbox, Contacts, Calendar etc. Maildir file is an internet supported file it cannot be accessed offline therefore users want their Maildir data in the PST format. To effectively access Maildir file there is a requirement of proper internet connection.

Maildir to PST Converter- An Easy Way to Batch Migration in a Single Processing

CubexSoft Maildir to PST Converter is the securest method to import Maildir data in PST format. You can convert multiple files in a single time processing without any data loss. Users have option to see the preview of all the selected Maildir files that helps in rechecking once again the selected files before the conversion. Users have separate option to save the attachments precisely. The software is user-friendly so that there will be no difficulty occur in the procedure of conversion. There are advance filters options like date filter, email filer, and attachment filters. If there is large size file so here is the split PST option available for that to manage the data properly. Users get all the information about the converted data after the conversion process completes that can be save by the users for the future analysis. Choosing the destination path to save the output in the desired location helps user to get the easy access of the converted files. The software programmes on all Windows OS.

Working Procedure of the Maildir to PST Software

Following are the complete working procedure of the software given that does not require any specialized skill to apply:

Step1: At first download Maildir File Converter in your system.

Step2: Now click on the Select File option that is the first option in the menu bar.

Step3: To add the files for conversion there are two options available such as “Select File” and “Select Folder” after choosing accordingly press OK to proceed further.

Step4: Here you may see all the selected files along with checkboxes so that you have to tick the item you want in PST format.

Step5: After choosing the files you may see the preview of the files to recheck all the items, just below the preview segment there is an option available to save the attachments.

Step6: Now go to the “Export” option now in the new page choose PST output amongst many other output options.

Step7: Now there is option for setting filters and choosing desired location to save the resultant PST files. Choose as per your convenience.

Step8: Now the process of conversion starts by clicking on “Export” button. Process completes with the message “Conversion Done Successfully” click OK to end the task.


By reading the above blog I hope all your doubts regarding how do i convert Maildir to Outlook get resolved now. In the first segment of the blog there is a brief information about the Maildir file and PST file format given to make the users more familiar about the file formats so that they can understand the basic need to convert Maildir files into PST. The Maildir Converter facilitates users with free demo version so that they can convert first 25 Maildir files free of cost to evaluate the functioning of the software.

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